A PALMER hit list of what’s new, now, and next from around the globe—from our obsessive-at-large, Wynn Burson Cateron.

In her new book Palm Beach Style: The Architecture and Advocacy of John and Jane Volk, Jane S. Day explores—through glamorous visuals—the “love story” of architect John Volk and his artist-preservationist wife, Jane, whose work on the Royal Poinciana Plaza, the additions and renovations to the Everglades Club, and numerous examples of inimitably elegant design and devotion to historic preservation is so resonant throughout the Volk’s home of Palm Beach that it can still be felt on almost every street in town.

Architectural styles from Spain and Morocco to Bermuda, as well as Modernism, were just some of the harmonious elements that Volk perfected throughout a career of over two thousand global commissions, from the 1920s to his death in 1984…from Rizzoli.