Palm Beach’s most fashionable birds have flown north to take part in the Central Park Conservancy’s social calendar. On Wednesday, the not-for-profit organization held its 42nd annual Frederick Law Olmsted Awards Luncheon, raising over $4 million in support of Central Park. But as with past years, the most exciting part of the afternoon was the fashion. The chic crowd included the likes of Jessica Guff, Hillary Ross, Jamee Gregory, Christine Schwarzman, Lynne Wheat, Deborah Norville, Victoria Hagan, Muffy Miller, Sarah Wentenhall, Eleonora Kennedy, and Palmer‘s Editorial Director Stefano Tonchi.

The Awards Luncheon is increasingly becoming known as Manhattan’s premiere hat event (apologies to the Easter parade), with guests donning everything from chic fascinators to elaborate wide-brimmed numbers.

Click through the gallery below to see how everyone handled their headwear.